About Us
Our Responsibility to Our Clients
The way owners and investors can optimise their income from property ownership is evolving. With proposed new rules and regulations making it harder to maximise the return from their assets, our diverse and property specific approach allows our clients to Own Better.
Our unique approach gives our clients choice as to how to earn the best return for their asset while alleviating the strain of day to day management.
Owners have the option of short-term accommodation, long term leases or a combination of both under the one management umbrella.
We are a one stop shop that maximizes returns while making the ‘traditional’ management experience exceptional.
Client properties are in the hands of expert professionals. We practice what we preach using our own investment properties as successful case studies. We maximize returns on your properties through delivering a blend of traditional and short-term management that is tailor made for your unique property.
Who are we?
Our real estate portfolio managers are masters of real estate fundamentals. With backgrounds in law, accounting, property development and all things ‘real estate’ we have been involved in the acquisition and ownership processes for a number of real estate equity funds and high net wealth private family offices. We understand how to formulate benchmarks so we can evaluate an investment’s best strategy to maximise returns. Property comparisons made not only against other property performance in the same market, but against other asset classes as well, to deliver the best approach for owning your properties. Own better with us.
Our combination of real estate knowledge, skill, professional service and support means we will always outperform our competitors. We aspire to have a green organization and be carbon negative. We want to leave the world a better place. We are professional, experienced and ambitious. Mediocracy is our biggest fear. We aspire to own better and our motivation is to ensure that our clients do the same.
Beyond delivering the most income from your property, we simplify the management of multiple properties and importantly provide security of income. Interested in finding out more?
Do you own an Investment Property
Beyond delivering the most income from your property, we simplify the management of multiple properties and importantly provide security of income. Interested in finding out more?